*Draft from March of 2013*
Text transcription
Did you leave your house yet? Was going to ask you to bring in a large pitcher if you could. I have an object lesson for group today and I got rid of mine when we moved.
I think you have the wrong number
This is Sheri. Who's this? Your text didn't make sense to me.
Fran who works at Rivera? I don't work there...plus I'm still home sick today.
Thanks. Weird, my name is Sherri too...hope you get to borrow your pitcher. I would have brought it if I worked with you...lol.
Thanks...I need a prayer for more hours at work or another job. Only working part time. You are more than welcome to borrow a pitcher. God works in mysterious ways!! Have a great day!!
So on that day I was trying to text my boss, Sherri, something that I did all the time. Now this was not a normal misdial.....I had my boss Sherri's cell number saved to my contacts and I always texted her by just tapping her speed dial on my phone. That morning I did the EXACT same thing....I tapped on her photo and sent the text......but somehow it went to a completely different number....not even close to the same digits.....to a random woman who was also named Sheri. Coincidence? Nah.....I think everything happens for a reason. That day, I was able to briefly encourage a total stranger by letting her know God loves her and that there were complete strangers praying for her. Kind of a virtual hug from God that she needed at that exact moment. Meanwhile, to my Bible study group of almost all new Christians, that I needed that pitcher for....I was able to show one of the ways God will unexpectedly use random circumstances to get His message across to us.
A couple of weeks ago I got to be on the receiving end of another random God hug. It was right after we had gotten the diagnosis for Ben and I was still in shell shock and trying to get my spiritual feet under me. So I was quietly sitting at my desk, nose to the grindstone, desperately trying to avoid people in an attempt to hold myself together as I prayed and processed. Suddenly one of my favorite co-workers came over to ask me a question. I thought I was faking it pretty well, but I honestly don't have a good poker face. After a moment, he just looked at me and said, "you look like you need a hug...." and he walked over and hugged me. Of course....I silently lost it....I know in that moment it was my co-worker hugging me...but I also know that even though he had no idea at that time what was going on, it was God who had prompted him to come and do that. To use my co-worker/friend to let me know everything was going to be ok and....well....kind of a God hug via him.
Sometimes God will send us virtual hugs through actual things like a co-worker, or an impossibly random wrong number, or maybe a billboard, a song, etc......I have so many stories of times in my life that God sent me a "hug" to let me know He was there....and rooting for me, or encouraging me, etc. We just have to make sure to pay attention. People think God only speaks to us through an audible voice....but that's not true....He will speak to us in any way needed to get His message across. So.....antennas up people...God might just be sending you a hug and you didn't even realize it. How can you not hug someone you love so much.... and believe me, He L-O-V-E-S you....sooooo much!
~Joy ALL Ways~