Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Holding Your Ground Isn't Losing the Battle

Ephesians 6:13 The Voice 
And this is why you need to be head-to-toe in the full armor of God: so you can resist during these evil days and be fully prepared to hold your ground.

Sometimes the battles we're in can be overwhelming. Actually, let me correct that. MOST of the time the battles we're in can be overwhelming. Being overwhelmed isn't actually a bad thing though. Being overwhelmed is a great reminder that this is exactly why we need a savior. See, if we could handle everything on our own, with our own skills, talents, abilities, authority, resources, etc.....why would we need God? This basic concept of faith is very hard for us humans because we love to control our own destinies....which REALLY means....we love to be our own god.

So what exactly is our role as Christians then in this battlefield of life? Are we just spectators sitting on the sidelines watching a select few duke it out while we munch on sanctified spiritual popcorn being fed to us by great teachers with relevant object lessons? Are we supposed to be defeatist sacrificial lambs sent to the slaughter ahead of the "real" warriors, gently singing Kumbaya and It is Well as the enemy wipes the floor with us? Or are we supposed to be fully trained, fully armed, fully ready warriors attentively engaged and waiting for the next set of instructions from HQ telling us what we're supposed to do next.....while simply standing at the ready in between tasks while God and his heavenly armies do their work. 
If you haven't guessed's the third one. 

Our job is to be armed and all times.....BUT as God takes the lead and fights on our behalf, there are times when we are simply supposed to do nothing more than STAND, hold the fort....and ride out the storm. Trusting that God will take care of business and let us know if He wants us to do something along the way can be hard. We think simply holding our ground means we're bad Christians or lazy, because surely we have to be moving non stop.....go go go go go. However, once the enemy territory has already been taken back (which it was.....that happened at the cross)….KEEPING the territory is just as important. Holding our ground isn't losing the IS the battle...and it's a battle that requires our rest and our trust and our relinquishing control. 
One day at a moment at a thought at a time....we may feel overwhelmed and surrounded, but God and His heavenly armies are surrounding us too....and his army is bigger. So breathe....we can do this....God can do this...just hold your ground.

~Joy ALL Ways~